
Mastering Advanced Pinterest Techniques for Business Success

Mastering Advanced Pinterest Techniques for Business Success

Pinterest offers numerous customization options to optimize your presence and take full advantage of its features for your business. By leveraging advanced Pinterest techniques, tools, and applications, you can effectively brand and characterize your Pinterest account.

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Craft an Appealing Pinterest Biography

Your Pinterest username is the first impression for visitors. The biography provides crucial details defining your brand experience. Both elements are important when establishing your profile. Many overlook optimizing their bio, missing a valuable opportunity to share information.

An effective biography includes a genuine name, different from the username, and a descriptive word or phrase summarizing who you are or what you offer. You should also add a customized link using Bitly or similar services to track traffic from Pinterest to your site. Emojis and engaging phrases can make your bio approachable while enticing users to learn more.

When drafting your bio, use natural, friendly language that reads like a conversation instead of a corporate description. Offer value for followers while inviting engagement. Avoid lengthy paragraphs.

Profile Photo Branding

Add a high-resolution Pinterest profile photo containing your logo or brand name. If featuring a product image instead, ensure your brand is clearly visible so visitors associate it with you and your offerings.

Customize Filters

Pinterest is known for its filters that enhance visuals. In your account settings under “Manage,” you can activate or deactivate specific filters based on your brand aesthetic. This provides more control over editing features.

leveraging advanced Pinterest techniques

Advanced Pinterest Techniques: Post High-Quality Images

As a visual platform, compelling photos are essential on Pinterest. You should only upload high-quality, valuable images to maximize results.

The ideal Pinterest image dimensions are 1:1, square format. Avoid the in-app camera and use advanced editing software or other camera apps to ensure optimal resolution without overdoing filters.

Useful photo editing apps include Snapseed, VSCO, and Foodie for culinary brands.

Repurpose Content

To fully tap into Pinterest’s capabilities, visit your profile and locate “posts you liked” under settings. Here you’ll find images you appreciated but may have lost track of. You can save these to boards for easily repurposing engaging content already resonating with the Pinterest audience.

Optimize Video

Whereas Pinterest previously limited videos to 15 seconds, the limit increased to 60 seconds in 2016. Video is now a hugely valuable Pinterest technique for brands to build awareness and engagement. Create standout, creative videos optimized for the platform.

Helpful video editing apps include Magisto, VivaVideo, InShot and Splice. Ensure videos are vertical for mobile optimization.

Use Targeted, Branded Hashtags

Hashtags help expand your visibility and connect with related content on Pinterest. You can customize tags to align with your brand niche or highlight topics your audience cares about. Tagging is indispensable for discovery.

Tools for creating effective, branded hashtags include Meta Hashtags, Display Purposes, and RiteTag. Track hashtag performance to identify winners.

Since Pinterest introduced Stories, you can include links and mentions in posts. This benefits brands using Pinterest for marketing by directing traffic to your site or online store. Place links strategically within high-value pins to drive conversions.

Create Clickable Pins

Enable the “add a link” function when uploading branded pins. This makes the entire pinned image clickable to the destination of your choice. Clickable pins are an important advanced Pinterest technique to optimize.

Run Giveaways

Giveaways and contests are highly engaging Pinterest marketing tactics. Provide rewards such as your own merchandise or gift certificates to encourage user engagement. This builds awareness while collecting user-generated content you can repurpose.

Promote Your Pins

Invest in promoted pins to amplify your reach to targeted audiences beyond just your current followers. Pinterest advertising allows pin promotion similar to Facebook ads. Avoid over-promoting and ensure relevance.

Share Pinworthy Content

Be selective with sharing others’ content – only pin truly compelling, relevant pins your audience will appreciate. This establishes your credibility as an influencer while entertaining and informing.

Curate Themed Boards

Organize your boards around specific themes, industries and interests rather than just general topics. For example create boards like “Healthy Dinner Recipes” or “DIY Crafts for Toddlers.” Go beyond basics like “Food” or “Crafts.”

Optimize Board Descriptions

Include keyword-rich but natural-sounding descriptions for each of your boards to enhance discoverability and SEO. Briefly summarize what followers can expect to find.

Create Group Boards

Group boards allow collaborating with others around shared interests. Identify influencers or brand advocates to co-manage boards for expanding reach.

Share Boards on Social Media

Actively promote your Pinterest boards on other platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Cross-promoting raises awareness while directing relevant traffic.

Pin Consistently

Schedule pins spaced throughout days and weeks to continuously populate your boards with fresh content. Use planning tools like Later or Hootsuite to queue pins and save time. Consistency is key.

Design Eye-Catching Pins

Invest time in compelling images, typography and colors when designing custom pins. Use design tools like Canva. Stand out on busy feeds with bold graphics. Showcase your brand’s style.

Include Calls-to-Action

Prompt visitors to take your desired action by incorporating clear CTAs into pins, like “Shop now” or “Learn more.” Leverage arrow graphics, color contrast and strategic placement to draw attention.

Personalize Pins

Increase engagement with personalized quotes, messages or user-generated content in pins celebrating holidays, events or causes your audience cares about.

Collaborate with Influencers

Relevant influencers can help expand your reach through guest pins, co-created boards and sponsored partnerships. Vet potential partners thoroughly first. Align with influencers genuinely sharing your brand ethos.

Analyze Performance

Use analytics to identify high-performing pins and boards so you can refine your Pinterest strategy accordingly. Pay attention to repins, clicks, impressions, and engagement.

Track Website Traffic

Implement pixel tracking tools, such as Google Analytics, to observe and measure the influence of Pinterest on your website’s traffic and conversion rates. See which boards and pins deliver results to double down on what works.

Monitor Competitors

Regularly analyze competitors’ Pinterest activities for inspiration and ideas to implement similarly or differently. Explore their boards, hashtags, content formats, etc.

Refine Based on Insights

Continually test new approaches while eliminating tactics that underperform. Pinterest success requires flexibility and data-driven decisions to provide maximum value.


Implementing advanced Pinterest techniques like visual optimization, strategic collaborations, compelling content formats, promotions, and in-depth analytics will maximize your brand’s visibility and engagement on the platform. Treat your Pinterest presence as an integral component of your digital marketing strategy.

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